Event Calendar
Below you can find an overview of upcoming events from workshops, seminars, Summer Schools and more.
Upcoming Events

Ethics in the Lab. A Workshop on Scientific Misconduct and How to Avoid it
What is the relation between good and successful research, on the one hand, and ethical and responsible research, on the other hand? This workshop focuses on typical conflicts that particularly early… Read more

Conference Presentation Training. Engaging the Listener in Your Talk
For young scientists, it is a regular and important task to present their work to others. At the same time, however, to persuasively communicate one’s ideas to colleagues or decision-making bodies is… Read more

Science Pitch & Storytelling
Communicating is key! You are used to doing science talks at conferences. What if you could present the essence of your work to non-experts in only ninety seconds and convince them of the impact of… Read more

Scientific Writing. What Makes a Good Paper and How to Write It
Publications of research results is the currency in modern science. It might not be your favourite occupation, but it is a decisive one, strongly determining your future research and career… Read more

Agile Project Management
Agile project management allows running projects in changing and uncertain environments. Originally developed in the IT sector, agile project management is now widely used across various fields to… Read more

Basics of Leadership
As a young researcher, you often take on leadership tasks for the first time – in your current position or in the course of your next career step. Being new to a leadership role can be challenging in… Read more

Personal Roadmap for Career Orientation. What Skills Do I Have and Where Do I Want to Go?
As part of a personal roadmap, you have the opportunity to consciously reflect on your current professional and private situation. You will look at your personal goals and wishes and derive concrete… Read more

Stressfragen, Brainteaser und Logiktests im Jobinterview erkennen und knacken
Im Seminar lernen die Teilnehmenden, worauf es in Stressinterviews ankommt. In einer Spiegelungsübung erhalten sie zunächst konkretes Feedback dazu, wie stressresistent sie wahrgenommen werden.… Read more

Introduction to Programming with Python
Expand your programming skills with Python. Python is a versatile and powerful language used in fields like web development and machine learning. Its high demand makes it a valuable skill for… Read more

Grundlagen des Projektmanagements
Projektmanagement ist eine Schlüsselkompetenz – sowohl für zukünftige Aufgaben außerhalb der Wissenschaft, als auch für den Arbeitsalltag von Forschenden. Projekte gelingen, wenn fachliches Können mit… Read more

Beneficial collaboration & communication – an exciting challenge in everyday madness
Collaboration and communication are inextricably linked. Yes, of course. Vigorous nodding on all sides. We all realize that it is necessary to communicate with people, to pass on information, to give… Read more

Umgang mit Kritik und Widerständen
2 Perspektiven beleuchten: Ich und die Anderen: Wann und wodurch fühle ich mich kritisiert? Wann gehe ich in den inneren (und äusseren) Widerstand? Wie kann ich damit besser umgehen? Wie gehe ich mit… Read more

Performing under Pressure
Presenting oneself and one’s work can be stressful, especially in high-pressure academic environments. In addition, academics often face challenges such as navigating criticism, managing mixed… Read more

Für Forschende wird es immer wichtiger, ihre Themen überzeugend und verständlich kommunizieren zu können und diese gut zu präsentieren. Häufig stehen ihnen dabei nur wenige Minuten zur Verfügung, wie… Read more

Thesis Defence Training
The last big milestone in a PhD is the oral defense of the dissertation, which brings particular challenges in communication. This workshop is aimed at doctoral candidates, who want to engage in… Read more

Busting Jargon. Tactics for Comprehensible Communication in Science
As a scientist, you regularly communicate your expertise to various audiences – not only to people from within your scientific community but also to collaborators from different fields, grant bodies,… Read more

Getting Started. Die Promotion als Projekt
Der Weg zur Doktorarbeit steckt voller Herausforderungen. Doch wer sich von Anfang an eine kluge Herangehensweise überlegt, erreicht schneller seine Ziele und erhält bessere Ergebnisse. Der Workshop… Read more

Workshop Strategies for a Successful Self and Time-Management
Young scientists like you often face an onslaught of daily challenges like teaching, research projects or administrative tasks. Given that academics are also often expected to be flexible and… Read more

Good Research Practice (incl. Generative AI)
Researchers are responsible for ensuring that their own conduct complies with the standards of good research practice. The workshop will introduce basic issues of research integrity by addressing… Read more

Public speaking – Kommunikation in öffentlichen Sprechsituationen
Erfolgreiche Wissenschaft entsteht nie im stillen Kämmerlein – und heute weniger denn je. Zusätzlich zu den „Klassikern“ wie Vorstellungsgespräch, Lehre, Vortrag und Konferenz können öffentliche… Read more
Past Events

Introduction to Programming with Python (three-day)
Expand your programming skills with Python. Python is a versatile and powerful language used in fields like web development and machine learning. Its high demand makes it a valuable skill for… Read more

Workshop EIS
Aim of the workshop is to give an introduction into electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS): • Gain fundamental understanding of EIS • Understand the physical origins of impedance (as opposed… Read more

"Was kann ich? - Was will ich?" - Wege zur Profilschärfung und Karriereorientierung
Die eigenen Kompetenzen erkennen und beschreiben zu können, ist ein wichtiger Schritt im Prozess einer gelungenen Karriereentwicklung. Um herausfinden zu können, welche Karriereziele zu Ihnen passen,… Read more

Autoren- und Urheberrecht. Was Sie als Nachwuchsforschende wissen sollten
Viele Aspekte wissenschaftlicher Tätigkeiten berühren urheberrechtliche Fragen – ohne dass sich Nachwuchsforschende oftmals darüber bewusst sind. Die Informationsveranstaltung führt Sie an die… Read more

Grundlagen der Führung in der Wissenschaft (zweitägig)
In diesem Workshop bietet sich Ihnen die Möglichkeit, sich – gerade als angehende oder junge Führungskraft – gelingend in die neue Funktion Führung einzufinden. Es geht um Ihre innere Haltung, um… Read more

Your Personal AI-ssistant Has Arrived
With the arrival of ChatGPT, a powerful and versatile tool has become available for knowledge workers. This workshop is designed to introduce early-career researchers to potential applications of… Read more

GDCh Seminar | Prof. Marcus Rose
Prof. Marcus Rose, TU Darmstadt: "The Nexus of Catalyst and Process Design – From Microporous Macroligands to Renewable Platform Chemicals". Read more

Time and Self-Management (two-day)
Young scientists like you often face an onslaught of daily challenges like teaching, research projects or administrative tasks. Given that academics are also often expected to be flexible and… Read more

After the Doctorate. Career Options and Application Strategies (two-day)
The workshop is intended to provide assistance in the job search for doctoral researchers. It is designed to cover as broad a collection of questions as possible that doctoral researchers often ask… Read more

Workshop XPS
The workshop mainly aims at researchers who (plan to) include X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy as characterization method in their studies. You will learn about the fundamentals, the potential and the… Read more

GDCh Seminar | Prof. Dirk-Uwe Sauer
Prof. Dirk-Uwe Sauer, RWTH Aachen: Energiesystem der Zukunft: Technologien und Herausforderungen - Werkstattbericht aus der wissenschaftsbasierten Politikberatung. Read more

Workshop "Highlights of Good Scientific Practice"
We would like to invite you to a workshop on Good Scientific Practice (GSP), focusing on specific aspects that are highly relevant to your everyday research. This session is designed to provide… Read more

Agile Project Management (two-day)
Using tools and approaches from “traditional” project management it’s difficult to handle project environments that are changing and don’t allow to foresee what exactly the development or project… Read more

Scientific Writing. What Makes a Good Paper and How to Write It (two-day)
Publications of research results is the currency in modern science. It might not be your favourite occupation, but it is a decisive one, strongly determining your future research and career… Read more

GDCh Seminar | Prof. Stefanie Sydlik
Prof. Stefanie Sydlik, Carnegie Mellon University: "Functional graphenic materials and polymers to improve human health“. Read more

Battery 2030+ Excellence Seminar | Montse Casas-Cabanas
Montse Casas-Cabanas, Research Professor and Scientific Director of the Electrochemical Energy Storage Area at CIC energiGUNE: "Exploiting Defects in the Design of Battery Materials". Read more

GDCh Seminar | Prof. Klaus Roth
Prof. Klaus Roth, FU Berlin: "Chili - Manche mögen's scharf". Read more

The missing link - Statusverhalten als Kommunikations-Tool
Status ist allgegenwärtig, aber schwer zu fassen, stabil und doch überraschend veränderlich. Wir alle sind schon Statusprofis – aber auf unbewusster Ebene. In diesem Workshop geht es darum,… Read more

Workshop "Voice and Language"
To improve your skills in speaking in fornt of an audience we offer the Workshop "Voice and Language" at Ulm University on 22nd October 2024 from 9am to 5pm. Please register by 6th October 2024. Read more

Good Research Practice (two-day)
Researchers are responsible for ensuring that their own conduct complies with the standards of good research practice. The workshop will introduce basic issues of research integrity by addressing… Read more