Graduate School
Electrochemical Energy Storage
Graduate School Electrochemical Energy Storage (GS-EES)
Implementation of the energy storage technologies of the future requires skilled scientists and engineers. The Graduate School Electrochemical Energy Storage GS-EES offers a comprehensive program of lectures, workshops and more in the field of electrochemical energy storage.
The GS-EES supports doctoral researchers doing their PhD in the field of electrochemical energy storage at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Ulm University, Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU) and Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW). It addresses the full interdisciplinary spectrum of electrochemical energy storage and conversion, from fundamental science to processing and application. Among the topics are Lithium-ion, post-lithium batteries and fuel cells.
The GS-EES operates within the Center for Electrochemical Energy Storage | Ulm & Karlsruhe (CELEST).
How to join
The GS-EES is always happy to welcome new members. Either check our open positions or send us your unsolicited application. Are you already a doctoral research and want to join the GS-EES? Simply apply for admission!
Registration open: Workshop “Voice and Language"
You can know register for the Workshop “Voice and Language" which will be held on 22nd October 2024 at Ulm University. Read more
Summer School 2024 successfully completed
We have successfully completed this year’s GS-EES Summer School, which took place from 23rd to 26th July 2024 at the beautiful Monbach valley. Out of the 39 participants, 33 GS-EES members joined the… Read more
Research Stay Abroad: A better understanding of XPS
Laurin Derr is in his third year of his PhD doing his research at the Institute of Physical Chemistry at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in the group of Professor Rolf Schuster which is also… Read more
Alumni Talk with Dr. Manuel Dillenz
So far, we have introduced you to new members of the GS-EES - Graduate School Electrochemical Energy Storage or shared features of doctoral researchers who returned from their research stay abroad.… Read more
Verantwortlich Denken und Handeln in Technik, Wissenschaft und Innovation
Ars Reflectionis ist ein KIT-weit angebotener modularer Online-Kurs zum Selbststudium. Ziel ist, Studierende zur kritischen Reflexion der ethischen Herausforderungen des eigenen Faches und der eigenen… Read more
Stressmanagement. Gelassener durch den Wissenschaftsalltag (zweitägig)
Stressmanagement ist heutzutage eine wichtige Kompetenz, um gesund und ausgeglichen die vielfältigen beruflichen und privaten Aufgaben und Anforderungen zu bewältigen. Vielleicht fühlen Sie sich… Read more
GDCh Seminar | Prof. Michael Tiemann
Prof. Michael Tiemann, Universität Paderborn: "Framework Materials and Metal Oxides for Optical and Resistive Sensing". Read more
Selbstbewusst Netzwerken auf Tagungen
Durch wen komme ich beruflich voran? Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftler müssen souverän für sich und ihre Forschung einstehen und dafür Kontakte knüpfen. Erfolgreiche Gespräche bei… Read more